May Round Up

Been about a month so will round up what I’ve been up to. Been away with work and poorly so less than I’d hoped but not as little as I feared!

I started reading my favourite book again. Do people have those/ do that. Every couple of years I reread The Player of Games by Iain M Banks. The book talks to my soul about a character that dedicates his entire life to playing, designing and studying games. Everything in his life is linked to it. He “works” in games, relaxes by playing games. I suppose there is an element of jealousy but when working in the game industry I never found that level of joy from the games.

Games wise I played a couple of games of Blood Bowl, I am running Dwarfs in the main league and Orcs in the Shankers (more fun) league. Dwarfs bagged a win versus Lizards and Orcs lost to Wood Elves (got more casualties so counts as a win)

Stripped some very old Wood Elves
Started painting them up
Got quiet into it

I am going to use these as my Wildwood Rangers. As they go for £15 a pop on the bay these days this is the max unit I can deploy.

An army taking shape
Getting close to something playable!

Was pretty pleased with project Wood Elves. I have ten glade riders of that era. I now need to get the Sisters of the Thorn painted.

The one thing I think the Wood Elf army lacks is a bit of punch. The way you win as far as I can tell is to not let your opponent actually play, if they do stuff then they hit you, if they hit you you die! So not sure it is a fun fluffy army!

Also painted up an Orc Blood Bowl team

I used the original set to kitbash a Norse Team so this is what was left. Pat very kindly gave me the Black Orc team so I used the big dudes as Big Uns. Going to paint some Gobbos next!

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